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Face Forward with SmartLipo for Your Chin, Neck or Jowls

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Having the perfect body doesn’t come naturally to most of us and it takes a lot of hard work to achieve great results. If you’re genetically predisposed to excess fat around your face, or aging has diminished your once defined jaw line, this could be especially challenging. You might not be able to change your genes or reverse aging – but you can dramatically improve your appearance with SmartLipo.

SmartLipo, laser assisted liposuction, is a procedure that can help you get rid of those areas that won’t budge even with rigorous diet and exercise. For instance, the neck, chin and jowls area is a problem that plagues many people as it’s very difficult to diminish and impossible to hide.

SmartLipo is a procedure that allows for precise contouring and promotes skin tightening. You can see the dramatic results displayed in the before and after photos below from an actual patient of Dr. Bergeron. This is one great example of how SmartLipo can transform excess fat into the amazing result of a smooth, sculpted jaw line.

Laser assisted liposuction of the chin was first performed by cosmetic surgeons in Brazil on the chin and neck area and it continues to be one of the most requested areas for this procedure.

Chin and neck SmartLipo can tighten the skin without major surgery. A miniscule cannula is inserted through a small incision in the skin. The laser’s high energy then liquefies the fat cells, which makes for easier suctioning. The power of the laser also stimulates the skin and promotes new collagen growth for firmer skin. SmartLipo also results in minimal recovery time and less pain and bruising, allowing you to put a fresh face forward with your amazing results!