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Most Popular Treatment Areas

One of the best things about the liposuction procedure is that it can be used almost anywhere. From the problem areas of your stomach, love handles, saddlebags, and upper arms, to even the smallest areas that may not gain a ton of fat—such as your chin and other locations—our surgeons can take away that fat and make you look better than ever! Truly, getting liposuction means getting a new you, particularly when you get your surgery done at the Houston Liposuction Center!

However, not all fat is created equal and, as such, there are certain areas on the body that are more normally targeted than anywhere else. Though it may seem inconsequential, knowing is half the battle; so, here are the most targeted areas when it comes to the liposuction procedure!


First, we’ll start with the obvious one; the belly region. Fat, as we all know, can easily build on our lower abdominal regions, giving us the dreaded “beer belly” or pouch. This, unfortunately, can be an extremely unattractive region to gain fat on, which is precisely why our surgeons spend so much time working on them. So, whether you are a recent mother who wants to get rid of some of that post-pregnancy fat, or you are just looking to fit into those jeans you just bought, tummy lipo may be perfect for you!


Though the stomach is the most popular type of liposuction, the face is the most visible, and is thus nearly just as popular!  Our surgeons here at Houston Liposuction Center are some of the top in the field, and they have the experience necessary to contour your neck evenly so you can feel good about yourself once more! Truly, if you wish to remove a double chin Houston Liposuction Center is the way to go.

Hips and Thighs

Again, this is another location which can often gain a lot of fat. And, because it is very difficult to target these areas when exercising, liposuction can often be the only way out. If you have unsightly fat buildup on your hips and thighs, Houston Liposuction Center can do wonders restoring you to the thinness of your youth; we can make you look younger again!

Make an Appointment Today!

Just because these are the most popular areas of treatment doesn’t mean they are the only areas we treat! If you are looking to shed unsightly fat buildup anywhere on your body, including the areas mentioned above, then call today to get your free consultation! Houston Liposuction Center is one of the foremost liposuction provider in the Texas area, and we can make your liposuction dreams come true. Trust us; we are the experts!