We offer liposuction on about 10 different areas of the body and we love to treat them all! However, there are a few areas that hold a special place in our hearts due to the impact they have on our patients’ self-confidence and daily lives. The top three liposuction areas that boost confidence on a daily basis are…
Some of the more “typical” problems areas you may think of for liposuction, such as abdomen or legs, can be more easily disguised with clothing. Whereas the stubborn fat deposits beneath the chin will pretty much always be visible. So, if a double chin is something a patient feels insecure about, chin lipo will have them looking better and feeling better. Some of our most excited and satisfied patients are those who have chin liposuction since it positively impacts their confidence on a daily basis.

Male Chest
There are many men who struggle with what’s known as pseudo-gynecomastia (fat deposits in the the chest). They blame themselves for their “man boobs” thinking they are not lifting or working out enough, but it is in fact a medical condition that makes it very difficult, if not impossible, to correct. Liposuction on the male chest can correct this issue and provide these men with a more chiseled pec appearance and a much-deserved confidence boost.

Buttocks / BBL Reductions
In the last ten to fifteen years or so there has been a huge demand for BBL procedures. Unfortunately, with the spike in demand there has been a rise in BBL procedures performed by overzealous or inexperienced BBL surgeons that tend to overfill or create unappealing asymmetry. When this is the case, many patients are left feeling as though they have a huge weight (literally) on their back, and they are constantly struggling to find clothing or pants that will fit their exaggerated proportions. That is why we love offering BBL reductions (aka buttocks liposuction) that will help the patient achieve their desired shape while reducing the buttocks to more realistic proportions.

Check out all the areas we offer for liposuction and schedule your free consultation with one of our surgeons!